Most of the paintings in the series "CORPORATE NAME PAINTINGS" are done on the fly and are unpremeditated concerning their form or the names of corporations and brands used. The only condition is that each corporation or brand's last letter must be the first letter of the following name. This process is dynamic and fluid and "interlocks" all entities. It is a metaphor for the "real world" - and makes you aware of how beautifully your brain works.
To paint, I use chopsticks or branches rather than brushes to have LESS control and not get caught up in brushwork intricacies, and I like the random look and result. Most of these paintings have NO up or down, left or right, and can be hung in any direction.
To paint, I use chopsticks or branches rather than brushes to have LESS control and not get caught up in brushwork intricacies, and I like the random look and result. Most of these paintings have NO up or down, left or right, and can be hung in any direction.
Corporate Name Paintings